Holy Week Devotions

Reflect on the Bible texts, songs, thoughts and musings put together by the Hope City Team:

Good Friday in a Gallery

Pain. Suffering. Humiliation. Punishment.
What is so good about Good Friday?

Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross was not a punishment. He willingly accepted this pain and humiliation because He knew it would lead to the salvation of all who believe in Him.
Jesus loved us enough to suffer and die for us.

What is your understanding? What is your response? In this gallery, we reframe what we know through the lens of 4 Bible characters of Good Friday - the voices of Adoration, Doubt, Denial & Faith.

The Voices


Voice of Adoration
At Jesus' feet, I lay down who I was and embraced His forgiveness. He allowed me to wash His  feet with my tears and wipe them with my hair. It broke my heart seeing my Lord at the cross.


Voice of Doubt
I was pledged to my Master, ready to die for Him when I learnt that some Jews were tryong to kill Him. Yet, when I saw Jesus at the cross, my hope in Him was crushed.


Voice of Faith
I was about to die as a criminal.  Yet just before my death, I decided to put all my hope and life on Jesus. I believe Him when He said I would be in paradise with Him.


Voice of Denial
I have always been zealous for my Lord. I would never deny Him. And yet I did moments before He died on the cross.