As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

Proverbs 27:17 NLT

For Adults

Each of our groups has its own unique design but commits to four essentials: "up/in/out/pray".
"Up" focuses on looking to God in His Word, "in" focuses on relational connection, knowing and being known, "out" focuses on accountability and encouragement in sharing the hope we have in Jesus with our friends, and we pray together flowing out of these three things.
We know that people have different levels of availability, capacity for meeting with other, and find different things beneficial. So we have two flexible options:

Small Group

Our small groups meet a minimum of twice a month, at different locations around the city. They usually have about 6-12 people, with a leader who is responsible for the group.

For further information on groups at Hope City Church,

For Youth

Youth Cafe

Gather with other youth and 2 of the youth leaders after the AM Gathering on Sundays to chat about the morning's talk, ask questions and think some more about what it all means for you.
This is more informal than a Bible study, and you don't have to have lots of questions or know the answers. We just want to help you engage more with the morning's talk.

Youth Small Group

A Hope City Small Group run for the youth, by the youth (with some adult supervision!).
This group meets twice a month to do a Bible study or look at a topic, and play games.
There is a Small Group for parents that runs alongside it.
We also usually have a couple of socials each term. For more information and some interactive resources visit our dedicate youth page here.