Live Nativity

Experience the Christmas Story from the Inside!
Step into the Christmas story with your children! Say hello to friendly animals in our outdoor stable, then join us for refreshments and the chance to watch – or even become – part of the story. Shepherds, Wise Men, Angels… no prior experience necessary! Enjoy fun, crafts, storytelling, and carols.
A special baby. A donkey and various other animals will be present. It’s a celebration you won’t want to miss! This would be a great event to invite your friends with little ones along to.
Step into the Christmas story with your children! Say hello to friendly animals in our outdoor stable, then join us for refreshments and the chance to watch – or even become – part of the story. Shepherds, Wise Men, Angels… no prior experience necessary! Enjoy fun, crafts, storytelling, and carols.
A special baby. A donkey and various other animals will be present. It’s a celebration you won’t want to miss! This would be a great event to invite your friends with little ones along to.
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