Who We Are

We are Hope City Church: a vibrant, demographically diverse, creative, fun-loving community of people who love Jesus. We’re a pretty ordinary bunch of folk so when you get to know us, you'll see we're far from being sorted. What unites us is our love of Jesus - we walk together as church family through life’s ups and downs.
What We Do

We gather on Sunday for around 80 minutes to hear teaching from the bible, sing together with the help of our incredible musicians, and hear live responses to questions the morning has raised. Many stick around for coffee, home baking and and casual chat. We also have a creche and a programme for kids aged up to 10.
What We Are

We’re a church that's committed to the Bible as our absolute authority, and part of the FIEC network, a national group of hundreds of churches united by a common statement of what we believe. You don't have to agree with this to visit - you will be welcome any Sunday no matter what you believe or where you are in your faith journey.
How You can Engage

If visiting in person feels a bit daunting, the great news these days is that you can try us out online to see if any of what we've described so far is true! We stream our morning gathering so join us live at 10.30am on a Sunday or check out a recording of one of our past gatherings from the library to see what a Sunday is like.